You wake up Sunday morning ready to get the day started! As you begin your shower you can’t help but notice a pungent smell coming from your fixture. Now, you may be wondering “why does my water smell rotten?” Let’s explore a few possibilities!
Bacteria Build Up In The Tank
One of the main culprits of that foul rotten egg smell is a build-up of hydrogen sulfide in your water heater. Hydrogen what? You may be asking. Sulphur-reducing bacteria use sulfur as an energy source and are the primary producers of large quantities of hydrogen sulfide in drinking water.
Why it happens: This bacteria lives in wells, plumbing systems, and actually thrives on you guessed it…water heaters. The chemical reaction that takes place inside your hot water heater produces this unpleasant smell.
Corroded Anode Rod
Depending on what type of water heater you own, you’ll either have a magnesium or aluminum anode rod. This rod draws corrosive minerals towards it, rather than the lining of your tank, thus protecting your water heaters’ health and longevity.
Why it happens: Over time that rod corrodes, and when it does it a reaction between the metals and the sulfates in the water takes place which turns it into hydrogen sulfide, also known as that foul stench.

Your Water Heater Needs to be Replaced
The reality is that although a quick fix may resolve the smell for now…your water heater may just naturally be approaching the end of its life. After years of use, your water heater becomes much more prone to issues. Whether that’s a foul smell, a leak or trouble generating hot water. All of which is in part due to its age. A traditional tank-type residential water heater will last an average of 8 years depending on maintenance, water usage and various other factors.
If you’re doing the math and the age of your water heater checks out, replacing the unit is likely the best option moving forward. It’ll save you the costly expenses of having a plumber come out every time an issue arises. Replacing it will also provide you with peace of mind knowing that you have a new unit that’s fit to do the job for years to come.
Rent Your Water Heater Unit
If you’ve come to the conclusion that a new unit is the right decision for your home, consider renting your water heater with Reliance Heath. If you’ve never heard of or thought about renting consider this: The initial purchase and installation of your water heater will run you anywhere from $1200-$1500, not to mention the cost of service and maintenance for any issues that may arise.
- Rents water heaters annually
- Provides complimentary service inspections
- Performs routine complimentary maintenance
This hassle-free alternative saves you time, money and many headaches in the long run.

Rely on Reliance
So, now that you know that there could be several reasons for that foul-smelling odour coming from your faucets and fixtures, it’s time to take action. If you currently rent with Reliance Heath, call us and we’ll be out as soon as possible to provide service and rectify the matter.
If you’re thinking about switching to renting with Reliance Heath, we’d love to discuss the many options available to you! Our team is just one quick phone call away! Say goodbye to odour-filled water for good!